Movie Notes: Paranormal Activity (2007)
To relieve a bit of stress on my toxic student life, my friends invited me to watch the movie Paranormal Activity. I've heard about this movie before and they say it was good.
We've watched the trailer on YouTube before we went to the cinema and it was a bit disappointing to know that most of the scariest scenes were already on the trailer. The element of surprise didn't go well for us.
The pace of the movie was too slow and we were even laughing the whole time because we know what was going to happen.
In short "Walang thrill!". We were more amused with the nursing students behind us predicting what was going to happen.
If you've watched the trailer, you've seen probably most of the juiciest parts of the movie. What a spoiler!
2/5 - Good-ish Movie
If you've watched the trailer, you've seen probably most of the juiciest parts of the movie. What a spoiler!
2/5 - Good-ish Movie
Photo Credits: That Was A Bit Mental and Movie Critic
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