Movie Notes: What really happens inside our heads as told by 'Inside Out' (2015)

inside out movie

Probably the most touching and emotional Pixar movie since Up, Inside Out pulls every heartstrings and puts audiences into various levels of emotions.


Inside Out is the story of Riley as she experiences the various emotions of growing up. Guided by her emotions, the adventure happens in her head as Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith) struggle to adjust in her new environment as their family moves from Minnesota to San Francisco. In Headquarters (where her emotions reside) a problem arises as Joy and Sadness get lost in her memories. Without Joy the other emotions struggled to confront the new environment and as a result she was in a state of utter emotional confusion.



I have anticipated this movie since last year and I am so happy it wasn't a disappointment. Pixar did a great job of creating another movie that is both deep and entertaining.

Like the other great Pixar animations before, its appeal crosses boundaries of age groups however I feel that this one would be understood more by the adults than the kids but nonetheless they would enjoy it because of its gorgeous animation and a bit of slapstick humor.

The idea of a story anchored on emotions is by itself both intriguing and amusing. Add to that the idea of a girl confronted with changes in her environment and the inner battles of emotions that resulted to confusion which we have all experienced at one point in our lives.

The movie was imaginative in its depiction of how the human mind works especially to the dynamic changes prepubescent kids go through.

I believe one thing I have learned from watching this film is we should embrace every emotion - whether it be the undesirable sadness or melancholy, anger, fear and disgust - and highlight the joy and positivity after.

Together with an ensemble of great voice actors and colorful set of characters, Inside Out put Pixar back in the game of producing thought inducing and entertaining animated movies.

P.S. The Musical Short feature before the movie entitled 'Lava' was cute and made me cry a little, I would want to send that to my core memories.


I have a dream I hope it would come true.
That you will grow old with me, and I will grow old with you.

We thank the earth, sea, and sky we thank too.
I lava YOU! I lava YOU! I LAVA YOU!

Photo Credits: Inside Out

PS. Enjoy Inside Out more by purchasing your own copy or other merchandise via (an affiliate link) by clicking the links below.


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