Movie Notes: The Reel Scoop about Vampires on “What We Do in the Shadows” (2015)


What We Do in the Shadows captured the essence of what makes reality shows entertaining - the casual approach to everyday existence.


“What We do in the shadows” follows the life of a group of Vampires, Viago, Vladislav, Deacon and Peter, who lived together in a flat in New Zealand. A few weeks before the night of the Unholy Masquerade, the most awaited social gathering of creatures of the underworld, a documentary crew was given access to film their lives and capture their daily struggles in life after death.


What we do in the shadows
The Vampires are having a flat meeting to discuss about the division of chores.


The movie was fashioned into a documentary style of film making which has been used in prominent films such as Borat and Bruno to produce a very hilarious social satire. 

what we do in the shadows

what we do in the shadows

It is a social commentary on a lot of things from "coming out" to the commentary of millennial'  tendency to slack. It also depicts the predisposition on being privileged and false sense of entitlement by  always giving a damn on just about everything as illustrated by Viago's nagging on smearing blood all over the furniture by using newspapers and towels to cleaning the dishes.

The sheets didn't work.

Modern day vampire hypnosis and seduction.

Nick coming out to his best friend Stuart on being a Vampire

This is worth the time to watch and based from my experience I completely lost sense of time and honestly wanted more.
After watching all the queasy Vampire movies before (particularly Twilight which I slept through the fight scenes in many occasions) this is a perfect movie to wash away the aftertaste of stale blood so to speak.

PS. Want to watch this movie? Purchase this movie via Amazon.Com (affiliate link) by clicking the link below and this is available in Blue Ray! Enjoy!

Photo Credits: What We do in the Shadows


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