On Self-Empowerment

Live life with a purpose and have an understanding that no matter what happens in life, it is a learning experience - cliche as it may sound.

Looking too far into the future can be like staring into the abyss and fixating on the past is a useless exercise. Dwelling on both can be stressful and thus, logically, what is worth our while concentrating on what is in the present. 

However, the present confronts us with the repercussions of our past decisions and is hampered by our fears and worries with the uncertainty of the future. 

What is left to do?

Have an unbreakable sense of hope and conviction that you will fulfill your purpose - your destiny. This is what separates us from the life we have always wanted. Live in the present and demonstrate that understanding that whatever life gives you, you will face and accept them head on because they represent the process of your growth. 

Live with the consequences of the past without contempt, bitterness or anger and prepare for the future with hope and embrace the uncertainties with a sense of adventure.


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